Scacpa's Weekly Federal Tax Update

Federal Tax Update with Lynn Nichols #30



Lynn Nichols Federal Tax Update Podcast January, 28 2019, Episode 30 Listen as Lynn Nichols provides commentary on 2 Items pertaining to current developments in U.S. tax law. This week’s topics include: Treasury Opts for Taxpayer-Friendly Approach in 199A Regs A new batch of guidance on the section 199A deduction aims to clarify taxpayers’ concerns about an earlier proposal, while also taking a generous approach in expanding the number of businesses that can claim the tax break.  [Tax Notes Today; 1/22/2019, Article by Nathan Richman and Jonathan Curry] Passthrough Regs Clarify Antiabuse Rules for Trusts Treasury is looking to clear up some of the confusion regarding the application of its antiabuse rules to multiple trust arrangements under new section 199A passthrough deduction rules. [Tax Notes Today; 1/22/2019, Article by Jonathan Curry] IRS Issues Guidance Package on Section 199A Passthrough     Deduction The IRS has issued final regulations providing taxpayers with computational, definitional, and