
Who Squatches The Squatchers?



You probably don't believe in Bigfoot, but if you do, you probably have difficulty proving the existence of the noble Sasquatch to so-called scientists! Ever wonder why? Whatever you believe, scienceman Alex Duckles and his trusty producer Ben Schultz will confirm your beliefs as they discuss the strange realm of cryptozoology, a world once inhabited by such creepy cryptids as mythical gorillas, giraffe dragons, and grizzly-polar bear hybrid! Additionally, Alex's Brain Bubble is burst by pond monster YouTube videos. Science in the News is sorrowful as we mourn the lost of Koko, while reflecting on her legacy. Things We Like: Theodore Roosevelt (Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris); Green Lantern mythos (videos by Comics Explained); Luke Cage Season 2 (on Netflix); homeopathy? Big Naturalish shout-outs to George Eberhart, the Encyclopedia of Mysterious Creatures, the Patterson-Gimlin film, Carl Sagan, phylogeny, gigantopithecus, ichyosaurs, and the unseen thylacine. Check out the article that inspired this episode