
Unpolished 42: We Get to Choose



There is duality present within every situation—joy and pain, dark and light—and we often forget that we have the power to choose what we see. Our thoughts create our feelings, not the other way around. When we can learn to focus and choose how we are thinking about things and how we are seeing the world, our feelings then change. We also talk about the concept of seasons in our lives, how comparison is our default setting, and the need to give ourselves permission to feel the feelings. Happiness is more complicated than a choice. It’s the decision to be happy in the series of tiny choices we make every day. We’d love to hear from you—how are you choosing happiness today? After listening to this episode, come join our growing community on Facebook or Instagram. We would love to hear your story, support you in your struggles, and celebrate your success. You can learn more about us and the businesses we’re building here: Sarah Carpenter: Candelera Coaching Website  I  Instagram  I  Facebook Stacy We