So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

162: He Hates Thrift Stores! Discover Where He Sources - Dominic Carone



Dominic Carone began selling on eBay in 2000 to make some extra money in graduate school. He currently runs the Prime Time Treasure eBay Store, which specializes in the sale of comic books, toys, books, pop culture items, clothes, and all things vintage and collectible. Interesting Notes Dominic is not a Thrifter. In Central New York, where he lives, thrift stores have higher prices compared to the garage, rummage, and estate sales. So, he stays away from thrift stores. He explained it further on his YouTube video entitled, "Why I Hate Going To Thrift Store". He goes to garage sales, but he gets most of his eBay items from estate sales. Dominic used to go to a Swap Shop in Florida. It is a huge outdoor flea market. Every weekend, he and his wife would go down the aisle. Back then there was no eBay app. So, one has to develop an eye for things. Sometimes they made mistakes. Sometimes they made big scores. That is how he started his reselling business and did it for a few years. Then, he focused on his career