The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #37: Surrendering Your Secrets, Overcoming Addiction, and Winning with Kris Simpson



Have you ever felt like a personal fraud? Perhaps you were giving a friend relationship advice while your romantic life was falling apart. Or maybe you were offering your sister some assistance with her history homework when you refused to ask for help in economics. Or there was a time when you were asked to be on a panel about your success in business, but secretly, you were struggling to pay your own bills. I've been there. When I first started my business--coaching quarter-lifer's in their careers--I barely had enough to pay rent, eat beans, and keep up my appearance for my next meeting. Who was I to be giving someone advice? I was barely even happy most of the time, because not only could I barely take care of myself, but my situation made me feel like a personal fraud. Who was I to be giving advice when it seemed to be working out so poorly in my own life? Our guest today has been there, too. At one point in his life, Kris Simpson was a successful health, wellness, and fitness professional. He was a body