The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TYL #38: How to Deal When Shit (Inevitably) Hits the Fan with Tracy Timm



Ok, so I know I just went for it with the title of this week's podcast, but sometimes you just can't sugar coat things. Anyone who's started anything, taken a risk, or otherwise deviated from the norm will tell you that bad things happening-- aka, shit hitting the fan-- is not a matter of if, but a matter of when. We have no control over the when, let alone the inevitability of some things just not going our way. It's like death and taxes-- a virtual certainty-- that one day, things will not go our way. Now, you know me (or at least you're getting to know me), so you know that this is not my normal sentiment. I'm the girl you visit to get pumped up about leaving your lame ass job or chasing your dreams. It usually doesn't serve me (or my clients!) well if I'm Debbie Downer. However, I've noticed recently that one of the places I can really use some work is dealing with setbacks, myself. I can envision my ideal future, create my ideal workday, and even work with my ideal client, but man, when shit hits the fan