Faith & Good Counsel Show With Staci Gulino

FGC #303: Woman to Woman: Receiving Women in Crisis with Elizabeth Wilson, LCSW



The wellspring of all that is the Elizabeth Wilson that I've come to know is so evident in this powerful interview, which was originally intended to focus upon the psychiatric and psychological burden suffered by women after an abortion decision. Everyone, however, can benefit from listening to today's episode as Elizabeth shared some incredibly wonderful "faith and good counsel" that really, in essence, applies to every person who experiences a significant crisis of some sort in our lives. And, at some point over the course of life...that's ALL of us, ya'll. So many things to love about Elizabeth's interview...but one thing stood out to me, and I do think it is a take home point for pondering upon in prayer.  Elizabeth said.. "If we do not have a belief in Divine Mercy, we will be stuck in judgment."    The more we learn about and open ourselves to receive Christ's Divine Mercy, the more we will see and experience just how far Jesus will go to pursue us, while never intruding upon our free will. Our s