Barbarian Radio

27: The Experts Are Wrong



Calories  Gary Taubes - Good Calories Bad Calories   the evidence simply didn’t support the fat-cholesterol hypothesis virtually every study comparing diet, cholesterol, and heart disease within a single population failed to support the hypothesis Keys’s Seven Countries Study was a landmark success for the hypothesis but it was fatally flawed: he chose the 7 countries which he knew would have supporting data by ’77, though no new evidence showed that dietary fat causes heart disease, the idea gained acceptance in the public anti-fat, anti-meat movement; spawned out of counter-culture 60s and concerns about famine in 3rd world (raising meat uses a lot of grain, which could feed more people than the meat could) January 14, 1977—the day when Keys’s hypothesis decisively won Senator George McGovern announced the publication of Dietary Goals for the United States recommended caloric proportions of 55-60% carb, 30% fat (no more than a third of that saturated) first time any government institution