Sleepy Eyes Knits

Episode 15: Pattern Palooza



Hey knitters!!After braving a broken power source on my laptop, a podcast script outline that completely disappeared, slightly cranky kiddies and many weekend visitors, I finally, finally finished up the new podcast! Woo-hoo!I think I was a bit rusty with recording and had a few sound "blips" here and there but, overall, I think it went o-kay. You'll have to let me know. I was feeling a bit silly last night, so I added a couple of funny songs to the podcast...hope they bring a smile to your face. I haven't got much new to show you in terms of photos of knitted or spun projects at the moment, but I'm sure I'll have more after my deadline is past. I do have one AWESOME piece of news, though. Got an email last night from Tasha asking if it was okay to talk about my Lisha Lace Scarf on Lime and Violet Daily Chum.First, I screamed and made Ian drop the carton of milk he was holding. Then, I had to explain why this was so super fantastic (for which his response was something like, "I didn't understan