Barbarian Radio

23: The Jarnsaxa Scale


Sinopse   @barbarianforever Instagram IGTV       1. Ásatrú is an open religion which anyone can join. There are, however, certain things that must be done in certain ways, certain points of theology that must be strictly adhered to and certain beliefs that must be held. Anyone who doesn't agree with all of these points simply isn't Tru and can be deemed "traitors" to the Gods. One of these points that everyone must agree to is that Ásatrú is open to people of all races, and those who believe otherwise are not welcome and should be actively denounced so that there is no confusion of their beliefs with those of real Ásatrúar. I will only worship alongside those who follow the same beliefs. 2. Anyone who wants to become Ásatrú can, regardless of racial or cultural history. Individuals have the freedom to choose any religion to follow, and I will defend and uphold that right. All are welcome to my Kindred and I will worship alongside any Tru man or woman. 3. As the ties to the Aesir and Vanir are