Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"We are in the land of hypocrisy...the land of do as I say not as I do."



We all know Twitter is President Trump’s favored avenue for keeping in touch with the American people, making policy proclamations and venting at Washington bureaucracy. President Trump tweets primarily through, according to reports, an iPhone that, despite being issued through White House Information Technology and the White House Communications Agency, could be a security risk. The president is supposed to swap out phones every month but refuses because it is “too inconvenient”. You may recall Hillary Clinton similarly said that she used her private email server for convenience. By failing to regularly replace the phone, President Trump leaves the device open to possible hacking and surveillance. Why would the president risk national security for convenience? Michael and Rick discuss this latest chapter of confusion in the Trump White House. Scott L. Nelson, an attorney at Public Citizen Litigation Group, talks about the Supreme Court’s ruling that companies can require workers to accept individual arbitrat