Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"It demeans the White House...I'm mad!"



Senator John McCain is an American hero. Full stop. He's staring down his own mortality after receiving a brain cancer diagnosis last year. He weighed in on Gina Haspel's nomination for CIA Director and said that her refusal to condemn the practice of torture was disqualifying. A White House aide named Kelly Sadler made a comment about his condition, saying, "He's going to die anyway." The attempted joke fell flat and the White House has been inundated with calls for her to be fired. A retired three-star general went on Fox Business and told host Charles Payne that torture worked and it worked on John McCain, saying, "That’s why they call him ‘Songbird John.'" Rick and guest co-host Ron Christie do their best to figure out why anyone would make such comments about a man who put his life on the line for this country and has given so much of his life to public service. Is this a rock-bottom for civility and our civil discourse? The guys also examine the House GOP's plan to alter parts of the social safety net.