12 Minute Marketer

Episode 16 - Applying the "Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook" Concept to Your Business/Market



We've mentioned Gary Vaynerchuk in the past but in this episode our discussions takes his second book called Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook with some direction. You may not know Gary or any of his books, though you'll quickly understand some of the principles from our discussion. Building credibility & value with your audience first, before asking for the sale, is substantially more valuable. Small businesses don't really want to wait, to put in the lengthy time it may take to build that credibility, to make all of the small "jabs"...and that could be a sign to re-evaluate the business.  Your funnel should be designed to follow the process, to attract an audience without *really* asking for anything. What you give out is what you get to keep - focus on the relationship side well before you ask someone to pull out their wallet. It will benefit you far more in the end.