
Season 1, Episode 10: Evil Innuendo



Annex: the saga of a neighborhood and its residents, set outside the fictional port city of Harborview, Oregon in the early twentieth century. Jane insists on consulting a medium in order to contact Sophie and seeks clues surrounding her mysterious death, with a skeptical Tom in attendance. Cast (in Alphabetical Order): Allison Hopkins as Sophie Pembroke David Knell as Tom Dawson Suzanne Owens-Duval as the Narrator and Jane Pembroke Anthony Redelsperger as Henry Pembroke and Otto Tsubanski Todd Van Voris as Reverend Gaumont Featuring (in Alphabetical Order): Kris McCarter as Ruby Credits: Writer/Director/Executive Producer: Drew Beard Producer: Christi Dodge Assistant Producer/Casting Director: Suzanne Owens-Duval Sound Editor: Jubel Brosseau Sound Designer: Ashley Moe Theme and Score Composed by: Jubel Brosseau Podcast Manager: Stephanie Briggs Promo Editor: Jodi Barasa Marketing and Distribution Consultant: Justin Briggs Copyright © 2018, Studio 1152, LLC, All Rights Reserved. Annex is a work of fiction. Na