Hot Mess Moms

How To Make Shopping Great: Episode 11 - Hot Mess Moms



Episode Summary: Dawn had a magical moment when she went shopping for some new jeans. Actually THREE magical moments! If you're like most of us, shopping can be an experience we sometimes hate to love. You're looking for a thing. You need this one thing. Now it's a matter of finding that one thing. AND finding it in a store that hopefully has nice employees and know what they're talking about! Shopping isn't easy my friends. This week Dawn and Gina talk about what a difference customer service makes when you're out shopping. A little smile and wave go a long way when you're doing something that can quickly stress you out and make you sweat (let's be real, trying on clothes in those dressing rooms gets hot). Take a listen and hear Dawn's story about the AMAZING customer service and attention she got when she was shopping for jeans. Oh, and she also found a little something extra that she's been on the hunt for, for four years! Happy Friday everyone!   Links to Know: Gina Luker: The Shabby Creek Cottage + Gi