Freeluv Podcast

Freeluv Podcast EP: 17 "oh…2017?…see what had happened was…"



yoooo…happy new year everyone! now, full disclosure before listening…this was recorded on Dec 29th and was intended to be released on the 31st…due to some technical problems *coughhangoverfromtheweekendcough*…combined with the fact i (viberoc) got sick after new years…i've now put the finishing touches to this episode, and dropping it ten days into Jan…hey, better late then never right?…plus our (cas & viberoc…your hosts…duh! haha) lengthy convo on the ups and downs of 2017…and what to look forward to in 2018…is all still relevant and fresh on the minds…so with all that said…spend the next hour and forty plus mins diving into our thoughts and perspectives…and lets get this new year started off right with the freeluv podcast