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EP91: ♫ #VideoGamesChristmas Playlist ♫



It’s that time of music everywhere in December, including our show! In this episode, you’ll hear 9 iconic video game tracks remixed with holiday twists, all from the very talented artists at Scarlet Moon Records and GameChops.What video games are you planning to play over the holidays? We’d love to hear from you! Tell us at and we might just read or play your message on our next episode!Links to buy all artists' tracks featured on this episode are at - Christmas Garden (Yoshi's Island) by Mustin02:34 - Rainbow Road (Mario Kart 64) by Justin Lassen04:47 - Winter/White Land (F-Zero) by Mustin07:50 - Frigid/Snowy Scenery (Shenmue) by VECTORDRIVE10:43 - Aspertia City - Winter (Pokémon Black & White 2) by Materia14:03 - Suteki Da Ne - Holiday Version (Final Fantasy X) by Goomin Nam18:00 - Troian Be