Gtcn Network - Growing Closer To Nature

Growing Closer To Nature Episode 4 – How to Eat Well On A Tight Budget - GTCN Network - Growing Closer To Nature



 This podcast series is created in conjunction with Roots R Us our sister site In episode 4, I am talking about how to eat well on a tight budget. When you are trying to eat well on a tight budget sometimes it seems impossible but I assure you, it is not!  When I say eat well, I am referring to eating foods that provide you with the vitamin and mineral content which help to build, protect, and strengthen your body.  When I began my journey of eating well I had to undo a lot of bad habits and learn how to replace the so-called foods I craved with something that was beneficial and tasted just as good if not better.  After many years of trial and error, I have learned many techniques that have helped me to save a lot of money and eat only organic and nom-gmo foods.  In this episode, I break down a few of the techniques that I use and share how you can do it too. With that being said I hope you are able to take away a few tips that help you to improve your current situation because honestly, we can all use some