Halloween Boutique Psychotronic Reviews

Halloween Boutique Psychotronic Reviews - Volume 004



Welcome the newest episode of Dark Discussions, your place for the discussion of horror film, fiction, and all that’s fantastic. Welcome to the latest edition of Halloween Boutique Psychotronic Reviews – a podcast that reviews and critiques films released by boutique labels that have taken old and sometimes forgotten midnight movies and re-releases them in special editions where the quality of the picture is fully remastered, usually from onetime lost or privately owned negatives or prints. A wide variety of cult films are reviewed in this edition of the podcast including a throwback film that apes the 1970’s sexploitation movies; a slasher film from Poland that baths in the glories of drive-in cinema; a midnight movie take on a Shakespearian play; an insane sequel to an obscure slasher film; and a thriller that curiously was marketed as a teen sex comedy. This edition co-host Philip of the Dark Discussions Podcast critiques five films: Anna Biller’s feature length debut film Viva from 2007; Massacre Vi