U Read It Well

URIW Dragrace Downunder S4 Ep4- Fierce Fabulous Fashion w/ THE BIRTHDAY GIRL



U Read It Well: We come from the Land Downunder! Reading the brand new season of Dragrace Dowunder S4. Hosted by Jean Lizza. The gals deliver a sewing challenge for the ages! It just goes to show if you give them decent material, who knows what can happen? The safes were pretty boss, the tops were incredible and the gals who sunk to the bottom, were pretty damn good!  Mandy Moobs schooled all the little children and delivered one of the most moving moments in the entire series. Queer talent represent!  Emerging star, The Birthday Girl makes her URIW debut and was an absolutle delight!  Subscribe or listen to one of the only Australian dragrace podcasts whereveer you listen to podcasts. Eps out each Monday #drdu #dragracedownunder #dragrace #Dragracedownunder