Daily Devotional By Awftl

The Holy Spirit, God’s Personal Relationship Presence, Is Our Life’s Ultimate Counselor and Helper – the Creator of the Universe



The Holy Spirit, God’s Personal Relationship Presence, Is Our Life’s Ultimate Counselor and Helper – the Creator of the Universe MESSAGE SUMMARY:  Your relationship with God is a continuous and not a one-time event; therefore, followers of Jesus are to be continuously filled with the Holy Spirit, as we are told in Acts 2:3-4: “And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.". We should ask the Lord to fill us with the Holy Spirit every day. You need the continuous refreshing of the Holy Spirit because YOU are a broken vessel – you sin; you get tired; you work hard; you act stupid; and you rebel against God. Be filled with the Holy Spirit now – filled in this moment of the present. Being filled with the Holy Spirit, the presence of God in our lives in a personal relationship, provides us with the ultimate counselor and helper in our life – the Creator of the Unive