Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 502: How Should We React to the Israeli Court Ruling Forcing Haredim to Join the Army?



MyLife Chassidus Applied: Where YOUR questions are answered Donate now: For recording visit the archive page or your favorite podcast carrier. Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What does this time period and Torah portion teach us today? • What do we learn from Chof Ches Sivan? 04:40 • Why does this day signify the beginning of a new era in history? 04:40 • What do we learn from Parshas Korach? 10:05 • What lessons do we derive from the Korach episode about leadership and uniting under one leader? 13:00 • What is the significance of Aaron’s rod sprouting almonds to prove that G-d chose him to be the high priest? 20:15 • Why did Korach want to be the high priest? 22:40 • Will he be a high priest in the future? 24:58 • What’s the story with Dasan and Aviram? 29:08 • What do we learn from the haftorah? 29:53 • How do we explain why the Jews so readily received the Torah but opposed entering the Promised Land incited by the scouts? 33:43 How should w