More Than A Few Words

#1026 Take a Closer Look at Your Website | Monica Pitts



Monica Pitts, founder of MayeCreate Design and host of the "Marketing with Purpose" podcast brought her energy and humor to this conversation about your website.    Like me, she considers it a critical part of your overall marketing. Authenticity and Realness: She emphasizes the importance of using real images instead of stock photos and writing website content in your own authentic voice. Being genuine helps customers connect with you. Storytelling: Your business is unique. Even in a cluttered industry, you need to find your unique stories and tell it on your website instead of using generic marketing language. Consistency: Once you embrace your unique voice, you need to maintain it is message across all platforms, from your website and social media, to in person interactions.  This cohesive brand experience helps prospective customers understand who they will really be working with. Not everyone will appreciate your unique voice.  That's ok, the ones who do, will make the best customers. Practical Tips for