
2024-06-20 | Day 5 | Intensive | The 7 Factors of Enlightenment | Laurie Winnette and Ann Lipscomb



00:00:29 - The Fifth Factor of Enlightenment - Tranquility (Passaddhi) 00:14:21 - Activities of Tranquility 00:14:59 - Disenchantment 00:17:43 - Restraint 00:26:10 - Part 2 with Laurie 00:26:41 - Dharma Activity on Tranquility 00:27:08 - A Practice on Remembering how to do Tranquility under Pressure 00:28:19 - Laurie Begins Leading the Guided Meditation to Recall Tranquility in the Body 00:33:59 - Moving on to the Writing Aspect 00:34:45 - Participants Write for 5 Minutes, and Share together in Pairs for 3 Minutes Tranquility in Action Practice Practice for remembering/recollecting tranquility on the fly, when under pressure. A. Think of a stressful situation that you may have experienced and maybe didn’t handle it as well as you might have. B. Recall the meditation this morning that Ann offered. C. With all that in mind, how would you respond to the original situation, to others and to the world? Write about your experience and what you might change and/or your experience with the meditation. Share