Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 500: How Should We React to the Rescue of the Four Hostages?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: MyLife: Chassidus Applied Episode 500  Tribute to Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky a”h  How should we react to the rescue of the four hostages?  What happened on this day 3336 years ago?  Why is it important for us to honor it?  What is Torah?  What is Torah from G-d's perspective?  Why was the Torah not given at the beginning of creation?  Why is it called Mattan Torah? Why is G-d giving us a gift?  Why did the Jews have to restrain themselves for three days before Mattan Torah?  Why don’t we dance with the Torah on Shavuot as we do on Simchat Torah?  Did we receive the Torah willingly or were we coerced?  Why is saying naaseh v’nishma considered such a big thing?  Why were crowns placed on the heads of the Jewish people at Sinai, and why did the angels and not G-d Himself place these crowns on their heads?  What is the significance of a crown (keser)?  What is the difference between the two levels of Keser, arich and atik?  How d