Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 501: Are Our Prayers Helping Free the Hostages and Win the War in Gaza?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this time period and Torah portion teach us today?    How do we apply the journey of the Jewish people in the wilderness toward the Promised Land to our life journey?  What do we learn from the sin of the scouts about facing the challenges in our life’s journeys?  What can we do during today's war and unrest to not repeat the same mistake as the scouts?  After the sin of the scouts, why were the Jews not given a chance to do teshuva?  Is it possible that the Geulah will be delayed due to our mistakes today?  What do we learn from lighting the menorah until the flames rise on their own?  What is the deeper meaning behind the Jews’ complaining that they want meat?  Is Canada different than the USA?  Why not conquer all of Gaza and settle it with Jews?  Are we allowed to launch missiles from our backyards into Gaza to help the war effort?  Should we try to shower the Gazans with kindness?  Should Israelis living near the b