Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 499: Should We Be Concerned That America Will Turn Against Jews?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:MyLife 500 campaign  What assets and resources do we have to face life’s challenges?  The power of Torah and Chassidus   Transition from Iyar to Sivan  Rosh Chodesh Sivan: Like one man, with one heart  Bamidbar  Bechukosei  Omer  Should we be concerned that America will turn against Jews, and begin planning our exit strategy?  Can we compare events today to events that happened in Europe during the 30’s?  When do we escape danger and when do we remain?  How could the Frierdiker Rebbe visit Israel and then leave from there?  Should we be looking at the events of October 7 as deeper blessings hidden in the curses?  If the Palestinians turn out to be from the lost twelve tribes would we welcome them?  What should our reaction be to the Trump verdict?  Are we allowed to pray for him?  What does this time-period and Torah portion teach us today?  Is it significant that a group climbing Mt. Everest brought a Sefer Torah with the