Be The Change

Be The Change - Dream to Reality - Be The Change



Be The Change – Episode #23 Where there's a dreamer, there's a way! These storytellers from all walks of life benefited from unique ways to help fund their service programs - and found that the challenge of earning the privilege to serve made the experience that much sweeter! Tristen, a high-school senior, received a service-learning scholarship from a generous couple who enabled him to live his commitment - to travel to help others. His motivation will surely inspire you! Gabe's employer encouraged him to take a journey of service and discovery on the Blackfeet Reservation. And although he volunteered without this financial support, knowing his contribution was recognized and appreciated further increased his respect for his company. Sarah represents a company that believes whole-heartedly in enabling their employees to give back to others around the world. Nine employee teams over five years have served with Global volunteers this way.  Sarah says their staff volunteers call the experience "life changing