Be The Change

Be The Change - Philosophy of Peace Waging - Be The Change



Philosophy of Peace Waging – Episode #26 This episode is a retrospective by our host, Ruth, and four storytellers on how Global Volunteers' Philosophy of Service is a philosophy of waging peace, promoting justice and working hand-in-hand with local people. Carol lends an academic perspective by reminding us that colonialism was the historical mindset by dominant cultures, and helping others in useful ways is a very recent orientation to the world. The roots of childhood stunting, which Global Volunteers addresses in Tanzania, can be traced to generations of failed government policies. We can "right the wrongs" she says, by applying ourselves to the real needs of the community. Cynthia was struck by the realization that the value of relationships on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation transcends other measurable outcomes, and is at the center of Global Volunteers' Philosophy of Service. Maggie speaks to how cultural sharing is foundational to every volunteer's successful contribution at the volunteer work site