Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 494: How Do the Miracles and Redemption of Pesach Empower Us in Facing Our Current Challenges?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does Pesach teach us today?  How do the miracles and redemption of Pesach empower us in dealing with our current challenges?  What is the main theme of Pesach?  Is it the joy of freedom from slavery or the lessons in humility from eating the matzoh?  Why don’t we do a thorough internal cleansing of any chometz left in our bodies before Pesach?  What is the best way to run a Seder?  Is it better to have an enjoyable experience even if we compromise some of the more stringent details?  Why are we constantly reminded that we were slaves in Egypt and idol worshippers when we’re not supposed to remind someone of their past sins?    Is the Egyptian exile a deeper concealment than that of the tzimtzum harishon?  Why are we not all wealthy today as the Jews were when they left Egypt?  Why are matzos, and Pesach food in general, so expensive? Is there a spiritual reason for this?  Is that why we call matzah “the bread of the impoverished”?!