Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 495: How Should We Respond to the Rebbe’s Call: “Do Everything You Can to Bring Moshiach”?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this time-period and Torah portion teach us today?   How does Pesach continue to empower us as we conclude Nissan?  How could we have celebrated Pesach with a free heart when our brothers and sisters are being held hostage by our enemies? Any advice on how to address my heavy heart?  Why did the liberating energy of Pesach not help the hostages be safely freed from captivity Don't they also deserve to have been free to enjoy the seder with their families?   Is there a prayer with which we can complain to G-d when He hurts us, just as there is the Hallel prayer to praise Him when He is kind to us?  Can we refrain from praising Hashem when our families are in danger?  What is the significance of praising G-d?  How can we say that Chizkiyahu did not say praise when he certainly said Hallel that Pesach?  Why was the tribe of Ephraim killed for leaving Egypt 30 years earlier? What did they do wrong?  What is a synopsis of the Rebb