

A couple of tries to make you sleepy like Neo.  Heads up, this episode contains repeated references to Jaws-Based Sea Beings and may not be sleepy for all listeners. This is a fun, double sleepy double novelization from the movie 'The Matrix,' as part of a crossover with the podcast 'The Novelizers' Listen to the first season of the podcast here: Please consider honoring the legacy of our long-time editor Karl by supporting these organizations he loved: NYC Mesh Sean Casey Animal Rescue RBG supports (and in her honor I support)- Friends of Hand in Hand - Support the Midnight Mission directly by clicking here. Support the Trevor Project by clicking here. Start a 7 day FREE trial of Sleep With Me Plus- The ultimate way to listen to show, based on how YOU listen! Get your Sleep With Me SleepPhones. Use "sleepwithme" for $5 off!! You can learn more about producer Russell aka Rusty Biscuit at his website rus