The Secret To Success With Cj & Eric Thomas | Inspiration | Personal Development | Success

342 - The Uncomfortable Truth About Playing the Victim



Are you tired of feeling powerless in your own story? In this episode, we really dug into the idea of shaking off that victim mindset and taking control of our lives. If we keep clinging to that "woe is me" attitude, we're just collecting these "Victim Trophies" that ultimately get you nowhere. We talked about how holding onto past grudges or rough patches can really stunt our growth and keep us from reaching our goals. Instead, we've got to ditch the bitterness and focus on improving ourselves. "Know your strengths and weaknesses, then go chase your dreams like there's no tomorrow." It was a real wake-up call to kick that victim mindset to the curb and start owning our futures. Remember, YOUOWEYOU to be the hero of your own story. Patreon To check out exclusives and more behind the scenes interactions, head over to to become a Secret To Success Patreon! Listener Perks Organifi Is giving our listeners up to 20% off of their order! Just go to Support your j