Clinically Pressed

Research Review: Effect of Warm Up Swings on Bat Speed



You often see baseball/softball players warming up with a weight on their bat or just a heavier bat and trying to time out swings. The thought is too warm up and get everything moving and potentially swing their regular bat faster. But does it actually accomplish that? In this research review they look at the weight of a warm-up bat and how it might actually impact actual bat speed. The results might be surprising. Reference: Montoya, B. S., Brown, L. E., Coburn, J. W., & Zinder, S. M. (2009). Effect of warm-up with different weighted bats on normal baseball bat velocity. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 23(5), 1566-1569. Check it out: #complicatedsimple SUBSCRIBE: #progressive #openminded #PBE #EBP #noagenda #performance #training #nutrition #health #wellness #athlete #athletictraining #science #chiropractic #rehab #prevention #clinicallypressed #leadership #concussion #clin