Grace Church

Your True Identity | True Identity | Week 1



Big Idea: In Christ you become most fully yourself. The Traditional View: Your identity is assigned to you by your role in the community and your sense of worth comes from how well you discharge your duties. The Modern View: Your identity is revealed through self-discovery and your self-worth comes from fully embracing your true self. The Christian view: Your identity is established by who God says you are and your self-worth comes from being found in Christ as an adopted son or daughter. 3 Markers of your True Identity in Christ. You are adopted. (1:5) – Abandonment Culture – “He took me in." You are redeemed. (1:7) – Slave Culture. – “He bought me back.”You are sealed. (1:13). – Proprietary Culture. – “I am His.”Next Step - Remind yourself each morning this week who you are in Christ. - I am adopted. I am redeemed. I am sealed. - He took me in, He bought me back, I am His. Find all resources at