Cmaj Podcasts

Diagnosis and treatment of anorexia nervosa in adolescent males



On this episode of the CMAJ Podcast, Dr. Blair Bigham and Dr. Mojola Omole closely examine anorexia nervosa in male adolescents, a topic that frequently escapes notice. Their discussion highlights the disorder's prevalence, especially among high-risk groups like LGBTQ+ individuals and those from varied racial and ethnic backgrounds. It also underscores the severity of anorexia nervosa in young males and stresses the critical need for early recognition and intervention.This episode features an in-depth conversation with Sterling Renzoni, a fourth-year biochemistry student at Trent University, who shares his personal journey through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from anorexia nervosa. Sterling's narrative provides valuable insights into the complexities of identifying and treating the disorder in males, highlighting the societal and personal challenges that can impede recognition and care.Next, Drs. Omole and Bigham speak with Dr. Basil Kadoura, an adolescent medicine physician at BC Children&apo