All Cancercare Connect Education Workshops

Diverse Populations Living with Multiple Myeloma: Treatment Advances



- Overview of Diverse Populations Living with Multiple Myeloma - How Race May Impact Your Access to the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma - Social Determinants of Health, Including Languages Spoken & Health Literacy - Current Standard of Care - New & Emerging Treatments - The Role of Transplantation - Preventing & Managing Treatment Side Effects, Symptoms, Discomfort & Pain - Reducing Complications of Bone Disease - How to Find Your Best Care Team - Talking with Your Treatment Team about Quality-of-Life Concerns - The Increasing Role of Telehealth/Telemedicine Appointments - How Telehealth May Help in Advancing Your Health Equity - Lifestyle, Physical Activity & Balance Concerns, with Practical Tips - Food Insecurity & Food Deserts: Tips to Increase Your Access to Health Promoting Nutrition - Nutrition & Hydration Concerns & Tips - Guidelines to Prepare for Telehealth/Telemedicine Appointments, Including Technology, Prepared List of Questions, Follow-Up Care & Discussion of OpenNotes - How to Cope with Health Car