Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 492: What Can We Learn From the Upcoming Solar Eclipse and the Recent East Coast Earthquake?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this time-period and Torah portion teach us today?  How does the transition from Adar to Nissan empower us?  Chassidus applied to Rosh Chodesh Nissan  What do we learn from the new moon?  What's the significance of saying the daily nasi the first twelve days of Nissan?  Are the miracles of Nissan within or above the natural order?  Can we expect to see open miracles this month, namely victory and the safe return of all the hostages?  How do we honor Beis Nissan?  What do we learn from Parshas Tazria?  Is a leper compared to golus, and its healing to geulah?  How do we change the letters of negah, the leprosy of golus, to oneg, the pleasure of geulah?  What's the connection between Parshas Shemini and Moshiach?  Is the eclipse a negative sign?  What lessons does it offer us?  Are we allowed to leave yeshiva to view the eclipse?  What are we to make of the recent earthquake in the tri-state area?  Are earthquake