Father Simon Says

Casting Lots - April 8, 2024



Bible Study: (1:43) Acts 4:23-31 Father explains some of the meanings of the word ‘God’ Jn 3:1-8 What does it mean to be born from above?  What is religious consensus  Letters (27:59) – What does it mean to cast lots?  (31:30) – Listener forgave her husband for cheating on her Word of the Day: Rabim (Many) Callers  (39:00) – 1 and 2 Maccabees, when was it accepted as canonical before the Council of Trent? (40:52) – Question about the guard’s ear who was cut off and Jesus healing the ear, where in the Bible? (42:28) – Who is most responsible for the humiliation and assaulting of Jesus.  Was it the Romans? (46:36) – Comment on being saved by salvation alone and about yesterday’s 2nd reading? (49:23) – What does he mean by original tongues, like Aramaic and also the diff b/w ‘reborn’ and ‘born above’? Original Air Date: April 17, 2023