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TMHS 780 - 7 Science-Backed Ways to Defeat Depression



For the last several decades, rates of depression have been slowly and steadily rising, both in the US and worldwide. But since the pandemic hit, depression rates have skyrocketed. There is a myriad of reasons for this widespread decline in mental health, but beyond antidepressant medications, there are very few solutions that are offered to folks who are truly suffering.  On today’s show, you’re going to learn seven science-backed ways to reduce or eliminate symptoms of depression. You’re going to hear how lifestyle factors like your diet, activity level, and sleep habits can influence your mental health. We’ll also talk about how depression can be improved by lowering inflammation, reducing social media habits, and more.  As always, you’re going to hear the latest studies on depression, as well as actionable steps you can apply today. If you want to mitigate the effects of depression for yourself or someone you love, these powerful strategies can help improve your mental health (and overall health). So list