Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 308: The Racing Mindset



It's race season, folks! The season is beginning in full swing, especially in the northern hemisphere, and we have some exciting races to look forward to. It’s a perfect opportunity to test your limits, skills, and abilities, but most importantly, it’s an opportunity to have fun. IRONMAN Master Coach Matt Dixon explores performance readiness and the racing mindset to help you perform your best on race day. The aim is to provide a fresh perspective to show up for your important events and focus on the things that will result in the best performance possible. Matt discusses the importance of training and developing physiological race-readiness, refining skills, and race craft, and devising strategies for fueling and hydration, to understand the demands of racing and the role race preparation plays in setting up an approach to define the race in your favor. On race day, many athletes face negative and distracting thoughts. However, Matt delves into the underlying reasons and outcomes of such negative thinking an