Portico Community Church

What Version Of Jesus Are You Looking For?



Why do you choose to follow Jesus? The choice to follow Jesus goes beyond personal comfort; it can be polarizing, and it requires the work of the Holy Spirit.Thanks for joining us online at PORTICO Church! Let's grow together in our faith and understanding of God's word. Subscribe here: youtube.com/porticocommunitychurchRewatch past sermons here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXywsZv84SjUQ6Bh0RJg83o_uzCgHsvYM&si=dVHW641mRiRufrr6Follow along with the sermon notes at PORTICO.cc/sermonnotesIn need of prayer? PORTICO.cc/prayerIf you said yes to Jesus for the first time, let us know! PORTICO.cc/yesTo learn more about PORTICO Community Church, visit porticocanada.ca. Or follow us on Facebook or Instagram @PORTICOcc