Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 490: Should We Allow Jews Siding With Our Enemies Celebrate Purim With Us?



Episode 490: Special Purim EditionWhen: Sunday, March 24, 8:00PM ETFor recording visit the archive page or your favorite podcast carrier.Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does Purim teach us today?  What is the main theme of Purim and how can we access its power in our time?  How can Purim help us face our enemies today and transform even the greatest threat to total victory?  Why is Purim celebrated with so much joy, more than any other day in the year?  What is the meaning of “everyone who stretches out his hand, is given” on Purim?  What happened Purim 1966 when the Rebbe made this announcement?  What were the three different ways the Rebbe reacted to those stretching out their cups, and what fundamental lessons can we learn from them?  Can Megillas Esther be translated as the revelation of the concealed?   Why is Purim named after a lottery?  If Haman was accessing a level beyond good and evil how could he have channeled that into evil?  What is the connection betwe