Hr Trends With Game Changers, Presented By Sap

Does a Degree Matter? Unique Talent Dynamics in the Bay Area.



The buzz: Hiring. A talent war is raging in the S.F. Bay Area, where companies are taking a fresh look at what great talent looks like – including the value of a college degree, social currency, the innovation edge, and more. Their evolving hiring model could impact your hiring approach, wherever you’re based. And it could put a new spin on your own career. The experts speak. Michael Castellano, engajer, Inc: “You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over” (Richard Branson). Cheryl Fields Tyler, Blue Beyond Consulting: “People will work hard for money; they will give their lives for meaning” (Dave Pottruck). David Swanson, SAP: “It’s not about being different; it’s about making a difference. Today’s top early talent entering the market in the Bay Area want to make the world a better place and want to work for organizations who enable them to bring their dreams to life.“ Join us for Does a Degree Matter? Unique Talent Dynamics in the Bay Area.