
WeatherBrains 944: Bucket O' Blood



Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a former registered nurse with over 20 years of experience in nursing practice and education.  He's also been a published author for over 3 decades and has managed the production and publication of numerous healthcare textbooks.  He's now written an incredible book published in 2023 entitled "Donora Death Fog:  Clean Air and the Tragedy of a Pennsylvania Mill Town", which discusses one of the most fascinating events in weather history from the historic Donora smog event of 1948.  Andy McPhee, it's an honor to have you with us. Bruce Jones of Midland Weather Radio also is back to discuss the importance of NOAA Weather Radio and its timely warnings and information.  Also you can now get 25% off a NOAA Weather Radio at by using PROMO CODE SPANN25. Our email officer Jen is continuing to handle the incoming messages from our listeners. Reach us here: [email protected]. Value of historical societies in meteorological research(08:15) Factors of improvement of air