Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 299: Organizational Effectiveness in Action – Practices and Planning in Nutrition



Last week's Purple Patch Podcast discussed how organizational effectiveness maximizes the talent and hard work of high performers. Organizational effectiveness, which includes planning, organization, and prioritization, can help remove mental clutter, provide control, and ultimately lead to faster goal achievement. However, it seems that only a small percentage of the show's listeners currently have a habitual practice to drive effectiveness and manage competing demands. Based on feedback we received from the audience, it seems that most people find it difficult to plan their nutrition and hydration effectively. Whether you're an athlete striving to achieve optimal performance in sports or an individual looking to enhance your daily performance at work and in life, the nutrition aspect of your journey can be daunting. Figuring out when and how to fuel your body to meet life's demands and your athletic goals can be overwhelming. Knowing what, how, and when to eat may be challenging, especially for those who ar