Aufhebunga Bunga

Excerpt: /386/ Reading Club: Globalisation (III & IV)



Double episode! On Giovanni Arrighi's Adam Smith in Beijing.   [Patreon Tier II & III Exclusive]   We wrap up the 2023 syllabus by taking on the second half of Arrighi's book, in which he analyses the over-reach and decline of the US empire, and whether China's rise and role in world affairs presents a different model, one that might be more peaceful. We discuss: How important was the neo-cons' Project for a New American Century? What were the long-term consequences of the Iraq invasion? What do we make of Arrighi's theoretical account of imperialism and the tension between territorial and capitalistic logics? Did the USA represent a "world state" after WWII, and how did it fail? What is the world-historic meaning of China’s development? Do we buy Arrighi’s attempt at a Smithean vision of inter-civilizational harmony? Links: Adam Smith in Beijing:Lineages of the Twenty-First Century, Giovanni Arrighi /305/ Techno-Feudal Unreason - on 'political' capitalism and plunder /250/ Oil & Disorder ft.