
WeatherBrains 940: Great Lake Snow Snake



Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a frequent contributor to the show and a friend of the podcast.  He's a renowned expert in the field of hurricane tracking and reporting.  He's known for his innovative use of technology and social media to deliver real time updates on storm developments.  He's made significant contributions to hurricane awareness and safety.  His insights and expertise make him a valuable voice in understanding the complexities of these powerful storms.  Mark Sudduth, it's wonderful having you on the show tonight. Our email officer Jen is continuing to handle the incoming messages from our listeners. Reach us here: [email protected]. First ever hurricane chase online in 2005 (18:45) Cultivating sense of curiosity and fostering interests as a parent in the digital age (25:30) Preliminary thoughts on 2024 hurricane season (39:50) Preview of AMS 2024 Annual Meeting in Baltimore (55:45) Last week's Deep Freeze (01:06:45) Storm phobia/calming fear from general public concerning severe weathe