Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 478: Is the War in Gaza a Step Toward Transforming Exile Into Redemption?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does this week’s Torah portion teach us about today’s war?  Why is the entire book of Shemos, including the narrative about the bitter exile, called the “Book of Redemption”?  What does this teach us about darkness and about attacking Jews?  Can we learn any lessons from G-d appearing to Moshe in the burning bush?   What do we learn from Moshe’s protest to G-d: “why have You harmed this people?”  If Jacob’s best years of his life were in Mitzrayim, why was he so adamant that he should be buried in Israel?  20 and 24 Teves  The Rambam and the Alter Rebbe’s merits should save us all  The Enemy  Should we see all the Palestinians as our enemy?  How can we transform, not just eradicate, the enemy?  If darkness is only the absence of light, how is it that our enemies have captured the minds of many people?  Is the war in Gaza a step toward transforming exile into redemption?   Actions  What impact should this war have on our lives