

In this episode, the guys discuss how to move past your potential with an opportunist mindset and strategic actions.  Success Takeaways Execute your ideas regardless of how many people show up. Remain faithful over the few that support you in the beginning.  Create a vision that your family and team is apart of. You give people purpose when they feel apart of the journey.  “Don’t think, just react.” Don’t overthink what you’re naturally good at! Be confident in the value that you can provide to others.  Remain transparent about you current situation in order to grow. Being honest allows others to help more as well.  “Don’t become mentally lazy!” Work to improve your decision making by focusing on the main goal. Confidence doesn’t grow unless you do something. Take forward actions.  There will be things you need to go through by yourself to grow in certain areas of your life. People can’t do everything for you.  Questions 1) How many people are you connected to that’s living your ultimate dream? Dis